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The e-commerce.

Whats needed to accept credit cards without external site


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Just a little confused, I realize I need a merchant account, but what is needed if I want to accept credit cards on my site without going to an external site. Is that possible?


I was interested in autorize.net as there is a contribution for it and it seems popular, but what exactly does it do, it takes the user to their site for payment doesn't it?


Thanks in advance for clarification..

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If you have your own merchant account like in a retail store then you can just get a ssl certificate and log into your admin to get your credit card orders.

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Hmm, what im asking though is if OsCommerce can process the credit card payments automatically, without taking you to an external gateway processor.


This as opposed to I think what you are suggesting; to just login to admin, take down the CC#'s and manually enter them at my swipe machines.

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I think the answer is no.

Oscommerce cannot do that.


its like having a telephone (oscommerce) you still need a phone line to use it !


You need a merchant account or some method to process and validate your customers cards.

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Hmm ok.


I understand I need a merchant account to handle the transaction, but the gateway is what I wasn't clear on. I thought there was a way to do it all within my OsCommerce site without having the user have to go to an external site to handle the payment...

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Of course there's ways to do this.


What I think the original question is asking is, can the user pay with credit card from the oscommerce site without having to send the user to a place like Yahoo! stores to enter in the credit card info.


If you use Authorize.net you can do this. There's numerous other payment gateways that are supported. It comes down to what terms & fees you want for the gateway.




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Ahh thank you Mr.Chicken. Thats exactly what I was looking for, how to not do it by entering a 3rd party site. I didn't think it was a service that the actual gateway offered, I will look for it in them now.



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