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The e-commerce.

Where is the near top bar with My Account | In the Cart etc


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Yes this is it.. Somehow whilst trying to add an image to the header, this got deleted in catalog/stylesheet?


 TD.headerNavigation {

 font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

 font-size: 10px;

 background: #000000;

 color: #ffffff;

 font-weight : bold;  



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thats strange - I dont understand how editing the header file would corrupt the stylesheet file


now you can over-ride the styles in the header file by using standard html font tags

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Sorry, didn't explain it well..


In Dreamweaver I added an image to the centre of the header.


It seemed okay when I did it however it somehow overwrite some of the php code for that bar.


I now see that that image should have been added via the stylesheet so am trying this at the mo'. Just need to know 'where' in the stylesheet it goes.


Still learning....

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well you can do it either way - personally i find it easier to do it thru dreamweaver - you just have to be careful of the php code


thats how we modified the header file on our site



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Oh, okay..


I guess I'll go back and see if I can do it right this time in DW as my pref is there too. I do all our sites in DW!


Would like to get the gist of the os stylesheet though so will look forward to that resolve too.





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Yes it worked this time!


Thi time I was aware of the code and checked that it was not written over when the image table was pasted into header.


It has also solved my 'images not in header after https' problem as well. So I'm happy as boy in a lollyshop!


For those chasing this problem. Thi is what I did to put images and text into the header. Not sure whether it is hacking or not, but it works for me anyway.


In DW I created a table as wide and high as I wanted my header to be.

Placed the image and text where I wanted and the link URLS..


Now the tricky stuff...


Open catalog/header.php in DW in design view and placed the cursor 'in' the top left table as close to the PHP sign as I could.


Checked in 'code mode' that no code was being written over EXCEPT this one line.


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'osCommerce') . '</a>'; ?>


Made sure my image address was not just /catalog/images/etc.. They must be the full address like this.



May not work for all, but did for me, and no wonder all the guru's were stumped with my 'no header images in https' problem. So sorry guys...


OZ :oops: [/code]

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