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Images Folder Showing Up in Wrong Google Search Results


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I am getting weird image searches from Google. I have an OSCommerce store that sells food products, but my analytics say that people are searching for boat repair images or gun brand images or children's shoe images. I have none of these types of images, yet it shows a link to the searched image in my site's image folder. Example(not a real site, but the image part is): http://myfoodsites.com/images/lndex.php?u=imperalism-in-latin-america . It mostly shows up on regular Google searches, not in Google Images.


That is a history search, again, I sell food.


What is happening with Google that they would show these type of links? Is it something that OSCommerce is sending? Or is something hacking my site?


Gena Heyward

<Web Designer | Lite Programmer>

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The link you posted point to an index.php in your images folder.


It it exists and you didn't put it there, I'd say security has been compromised.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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:D I am irritated that that detail flew past my eyes! You were right in a way, there were no index.php files, BUT someone had dropped in some other php files to the images directory.


Thank you, all i was seeing was 'imperialism-in-america' and neglected to look at the rest.


Gena Heyward

<Web Designer | Lite Programmer>

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