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Secret products only accessible with direct URL?


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I need to hide a product and prevent it from the being listed on my site, yet I need it to remain active and purchasable when accessed through direct URL.


The idea is that we want that product to be accessible only to specific people (who may not be registered customers yet) whom we would send the URL to. I know that it's a crude approach and that others who get the URL will be able to purchase the product but that's what fits our needs best.


In 2.2 I took advantage of the fact that customers could check out with inactive products and simply created a page that showed that specific inactive product, it worked well. Now in 2.31 customers can no longer checkout with inactive products so that doesn't work anymore... I managed to create a page that will list the inactive product but the Add to Cart button fails to add it to the cart and that's where my understanding of php/sql ends. Is there any way to allow the customers to ad to cart, and checkout, with inactive products in 2.31?


I took a look at a few contributions but the only one that seems could work (Simply Hide Products http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7117) doesn't appear to work well with 2.31...


Any idea?


all help and inspiration is greatly appreicated

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