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Field in backend to edit Product ID's


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I need to be able to input unique product ID's when I'm creating a new product. I currently input 90% of my inventory using CSV which I can specify the Product Number for,

but I also want to be able to do it manually - as in, when in the backend of the site and manually listing a product, i'd like a field for the product ID, which I can input.

The reason I need to do this is because OScommerce automatically generates a Product ID when you create a new product and normally its just the next number

available to it. However I have inventory from my supplier that is listed from 1,500 - 30,000 and I need to make sure when we're putting in products that aren't from

this supplier that we don't use his unique ID number. As I often update stock levels using the unique ID.


Does anyone know if I can add the Product ID field in the admin section when listing a product and further more, can a number be assigned to it?


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Hello I am having a problem with my store was doing well and now it's generating the following error to give the checkout button to checkout


2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='1' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name

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There is no reason to duplicate your post.



Please refer to the other post for your answer.




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osCommerce assigns product ID's using an auto-increment in the database. IF you chose to enter your own ID, you would have to change the database, add a field to the categories.php file and have the entered field post to the product_id field within the database.


Quite truthfully, although it is possible, the question is WHY ? The product ID is used INTERNALLY only, it is not displayed to the customer and usually not to the store owner.






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Yeah I Know it seems like a lot of hassle. But the only reason why I have to is because I have a program that I used to import new products, which allows me to upload hundreds at a time, and this program asks if I want to identify products by there ID, code or name? So I thought the handiest thing to match up would

be the Product ID. My supplier, who provides me with the list of products that I can import has their own unique Product ID for a product, so I have to make sure that I use his so in future when I go to up date stock, they'll match and the correct products will be updated.


Anyway I think i got around it, I created a product and from within the database set its ID to be 100000, now when I add a new product (manually) in the backend of the site its assigned 100001 to it as Product ID. Seeing as my suppliers inventory is only about 30,000 products I don't think we'll ever over lap with ID's.


Hopefully it works out.

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