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The e-commerce.

Quantity Box


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Is there an easy way to add a quantity box to products without having to do it for each item listed???


Or moving the quantity option from the cart to the listing?


Very new so basic steps needed please!




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What do you mean "to do it for each item listed"?


Whatever, what you want is easy to do:

- You need to add a quantity input field into product_info.php

- You need to modify includes/aplication_top.php to get this quantity and add it to the cart


I have posted a while ago an "illustrated" example here

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Thanks for this - was easy to follow and have implemented as suggested!!!


Only two issues that this has raised:


There are now two add to cart buttons

see - http://crystaldesigns.com.au/oscommerce/product_info.php?cPath=90&products_id=767


Can I also add the quantity option in the sub categories listings not just the product listing?

see - http://crystaldesigns.com.au/oscommerce/index.php?cPath=90

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the reason of having 2 buttons, is because you added the code to the file, leaving the old code in place. You need to replace the code

the reason of having the old style button showing is, because you used the part that is meant for version 2.2. The functionality is same, but it will look nicer if you pick the code for version 2.3.1 that you use.


You confuse me now with the places you want to have the input button

- right now you have it on the product information page

- you can have it also on the product listing page (that is the index page in the "case" of showing products). Note that the product can not be added to the cart from there in case it has options attached

- it makes no sense to have it for subcategories, you can not add a category to the cart, only products, so it's not clear what you mean here

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Hi George.


Thanks again for your reply - I confuse you because I'm not sure if I even know what I'm talking about!!!


Here is an example of what I mean (I'm more a visual person!) - http://www.weddingstationerysupplies.com.au/-c-89.html?osCsid=e1a10b84d006d30a6f16e4e322f48395


Also I like this style of listing:


where you have more than one option and quantity box to add to the cart.


I'm weighing up how much it'd cost me to pay someone to 'touch up' and 'tweak' these things. I can do the bulk but I am spending hours trying to learn all about these things and wondering if I paid someone if it'd be a better idea!!! I'm enjoying learning php and html but it'll take forever for me to go live at this rate!!!





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