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error on error help solving


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If you go to this web you will se the problem:




Evry time i go to the page and refresh it the site goes blank.


i get this error message:

Warning: session_save_path(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www:/customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.private:/customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/tmp:/customers/jpel-service.dk:/var/www/diagnostics:/usr/share/php) in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 169 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/functions/sessions.php:169) in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 102 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/functions/sessions.php:169) in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 102 Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/classes/language.php on line 87 Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/classes/language.php on line 87 Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/classes/language.php on line 87 Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/classes/language.php on line 87 Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/classes/language.php on line 87 Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /customers/jpel-service.dk/jpel-service.dk/httpd.www/osc/includes/classes/language.php on line 87


Can eny boby help mi to solve it?

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Evry time i go to the page and refresh it the site goes blank.

add the following to .htaccess file:

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting 6143

to investigate the issue.


Warning: session_save_path(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s):

can be fixed the following way:

- create the tmp folder in your root folder and chmod it to 755

- go to osc control panel --> Configuration --> Sessions --> Session Directory and set the full path to your tmp folder (example: /home/your-domain-name/public_html/tmp )

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.

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