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The e-commerce.

Product Reviews

Barbara Carrera

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Hi All,


Wonder if you can help - I'm trying to disable the Product Reviews feature from

Catalog page as well as Product page. I've followed few topics from previous

years but basically got nowhere with it.


The Reviews button (and link) are still there, the only thing that happens

now am I getting an error message - page not found and xxx_store/catalog/product_reviews_write.php?products_id=29.


If I change the values in the Osc Maximum Values of Selection of Random Reviews and

New Reviews to nothing I also get an error message.


The other strange thing is that I can not locate the column_right.php anywhere.

One of the topics said to change a code in that file but I even used the search

function and I can not find this file anywhere in the osc install destination directory.


Any ideas how to definitely disable the feature?


Any help greatly appreciated.



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The error message you get is because you probably deleted the file product_reviews_write.php. That's not enough if you want to disable product reviews and it's also not necessary


The file "column_right.php" that you are looking for does not exist in version 2.3.1, the instructions you found and tried to follow are for version 2.2 and/or older


From the beginning, how to disable product reviews completely, in version 2.3.1:


1) To remove the buttons on product information page: In file catalog/product_info.php, find

    <?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS . (($reviews['count'] > 0) ? ' (' . $reviews['count'] . ')' : ''), 'comment', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS, tep_get_all_get_params())); ?>

change it to

    <?php //echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS . (($reviews['count'] > 0) ? ' (' . $reviews['count'] . ')' : ''), 'comment', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS, tep_get_all_get_params())); ?>

or delete that line from the file


2) To remove the box: Go to admin>modules>boxes, click on the box "product reviews" and click "remove"


Now you could also delete the product peviews related files, but I don't think that is necessary to do

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If you want to remove right column, you just disable all the boxes of right column, that's my experience.


To disable the boxes, just login your cpanel, it's under modules.



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Hi George (multimixer)


Thanks for your advice. No, actaully I haven't deleted the file

product_reviews_write.php but I would have commented out

a part of the code at some stage (for sure) when I followed

previous (older) instructions.


In the meantime however, I got a bit restless and instead

of trying to restore everything, deleted the whole installation.


The several instructions left the whole installation in a bit of

a mess (Yes, I did make backups) but now that I have several

amends behind I'm 'older and wiser' ;-)


Thanks for your help again, I will try out your instructions

and post a result!



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Well, what you have to do basically, is to remove the links to product reviews, that appear at 2 "places": The column/box (disable via admin) and the product information page (comment/delete manually in the file)


I wish you luck, there is no other way to learn how this all work, than to mess up a couple of times, so don't worry, you are for sure not the only one :)

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