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Fatal error: Call to a member function add_current_page() error


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I made a change to column_left.php. I thought I could move the require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'search.php'); to the top, and that would move my search box up. It did not do that, so I moved it back. I know get the following error on my computer only. Other users do not get the message and the catalogue works fine on their computers:


Fatal error: Call to a member function add_current_page() on a non-object in /home/kwbo4418/public_html/catalog/includes/application_top.php on line 321


Not sure how this could only be an error on my computer. I've cleared Firefox's cache and still the error is there.


What else to check?



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This actually seems to be a Firefox 4 specific error of some kind. I checked my website with Chromium and all is fine. I moved the search box again and it moved just like it was supposed to. Firefox is just having an issue.



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