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customization of cart


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I have a some attribute of my computer product like 1 Gb Ram, 2 Gb Ram and 3 Gb Ram.

I want to add product with my selected attribute.

I mean if user click at 1 Gb then this attribute should be add in my product and if user click at 2 Gb Ram then this should be replace at 1 Gb.

Please help me to solve this matter.

thanking you.

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The standard attribute set up will do what you would like. The wording of your attributes would be important in your scenario.




For example, if the base system has the following specs:


Pentium i3

500 GB HDD

1 GB Ram

512 MB Video Card





Then your attributes would appear something like this:



Upgrade to i5 Processor (+100.00)

Upgrade to i7 Processor (+250.00)


Hard Drive:

Upgrade to 1 TB HDD (+150.00)

Upgrade to 2 TB HDD (+300.00)



Upgrade to 2GB Ram (+55.00)

Upgrade to 3GB Ram (+100.00)

Upgrade to 4GB Ram (+150.00)



Upgrade to 1GB Video Card (+40.00)

Upgrade to 1.5GB Video Card (+65.00)




Ofcourse that is just an example of what you can do with the base attribute system. A modification that I normally make is to have the system build price update as attributes are selected so the customer can see the final price before going to the shopping cart.






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Thanks for reply

you are saying right if attributes will display in drop down list then this is ok.

But I have different layout of product with its attribute.

you can see in attachment

Also can check online at this link




please guide in this matter with thanks

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code of attributes is following where from i want to add product with one attribute


<div style="float:left;  margin-left:0px; background-image:url(images/bgpanel.jpg); width:295px; height:96px;" >
     		<div style="margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px; ">
     <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['products_id']?>" name="products_id">     

   while ($products_options = tep_db_fetch_array($products_options_query))

	   $products_options_array[] = array('id' => $products_options['products_options_values_id'], 'text' => $products_options['products_options_values_name']);

  echo "<div style='display:inline' ><span class='headingfnt'>".$products_options['products_options_values_name']."</span><br>";

  echo "1 X ".$products_options['products_options_values_name']."</div><div style='display:inline;margin-left:85px;' align='center'><span class='headingfnt'>KR.".  $products_name = number_format(($product_info['products_price']+$products_options['options_values_price']),0)."</span><br>";?>

     <input id="tdb1" type="image" value="" role="button" aria-disabled="false" src="images/cart.jpg" style="width:105px; height:21px;cursor:pointer; border:none"  >

<?php  }?>

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