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Shipping Module and totals


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I changed "shipping" to delivery in both the cfmg_shipping files then recieved an error so I changed them back. Now when I try to add the shipping module, my goal is to have it say "delivery" but I can live with shipping, nothing happens. This is exaclty how it looks now.






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class cfgm_shipping {

var $code = 'shipping';

var $directory;

var $language_directory = DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES;


var $title;

var $template_integration = false;


function cfgm_shipping() {

$this->directory = DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES . 'Shipping';




I also was trying to figure out why when the customer adds an order the tax and shipping (well I screwed that one up) doesn't show. I have them marked as true and set the order correctly. I also added a pament method of Cash on Delivery so I can see what I will recieve when the customer orders. That doesn't show either.


website is grannysgroceries.com


I have V2.3.1 if that makes a difference.


Thanks to anyone who can help.

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