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Data Backup / Restore


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I need some help as feeling a little stupid !


Thought I was doing well backing up from the Admin control panel under database backup for when I had a problem!


Yes today was that problem when my account including emails and everything for some reason was restored to 6th February 2011.


Great I thought got all the emails in outlook and went to restore the latest ocCommerce backup which I do every night through the admin panel.


Unfortunately when selecting the database for restoring the restore just hangs there waiting for the site to respond and then finally says there is an internal server error.


Am I doing something wrong as it seems so simple to do?


Any help would be appreciated.


Best Regards


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If your database is large, the request will hang and the admin will eventually time out.


You may need to copy that back up to your local machine and run it using phpmyadmin.






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Hi Chris,


I always back up to the site and then back up via download to my machine.


Have tried importing this copy up through phpmyAdmin but it does not like it unless again I am doing something wrong with the import?


The back up is 12M which doesn't seem that big for a database is it?




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Hi Chris,


Finally got phpMyAdmin to work and loaded a near enough good copy however I have lost the £ sign from all the order invoice totals.


Can I get these back somehow simple? The admin section currency does have the £ sign in there ?




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