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tep_href_link in products_description


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How can I process php script in the products_description field on the products_info.php page?


For example I would like to be able to have a tep_href_link inside the products_description field. I have used cross sell and it does some of what I am looking for, but I would rather be able to code the links directly into the product description.


Is there anyway to do this? I've tried putting


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('index.php?cPath=21_23', '', 'NONSSL') . '">' . ' Click here to view all items.' . '</a>'; ?>


But it does not process into an html link.


Thank you.



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Actually it will cause a loss of the session id. The correct way to do it is to install the embed link contribution.


Ahh yes, I did test it before I answered the question. My test site didn't have SSL turned on and I was able to click around just fine without losing items. Just turned on SSL and soon as I logged in I lost my cart. Apologies for the wrong answer.


Guess you'll need this: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2905

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  • 9 months later...

I also need to add a few extra links to my site, yet preserve the session ID (to existing products/pages; one to product_info.php cPath=33_118). How can I do this without using this contribution? Surely it's just a matter of using the correct syntax, so what's the big secret?


I've looked and looked and nowhere have I been able to find any information on how to correctly code a link using tep_href_link or similar code. This is obviously an OsCommerce special, as it is not even referenced on php.net. Anyone willing to spill the beans?

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