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blank or error page after STS install


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I had a freshly installed, perfectly working OsCommerce v. 2.3.1 on an online server. I installed STS v. 4.6 as per instructions, enabled the "register_globals" command in the .htaccess file in the catalog directory when the web page asked for it, and ended up with 2 major problems:


1. now I get a blank browser page when I type in the url to my catalog directory, whether or not I have STS enabled in the administrator portion of my site. I've tried setting up a simple html page in catalog/includes/sts_templates/single, and didn't see any trace of it when I tried the catalog.

Occasionally as I've been tweaking things, I've gotten an Internet Explorer error page ("could not open site... may be being updated or have errors, etc...") instead of the blank page.


2. The backend of the site is messed up, too. The "Modules" menu is no longer a drop down menu, it is just a small, text-only link that says "Modules" and is located above the other menu options. When you click it, It goes to the payment modules page, but that's messed up, too. On that page, all the normal menu items (configuration, catalog, etc..) have been turned into simple, black-text links and smashed into a super narrow column down the left side of the screen. When you scroll to the bottom of that, you can find find "modules" again in a little, blue box and, if you're lucky, it sometimes has the sub menus (payment, STS, shipping...) there, too. You click on STS, and you can enable and edit the settings like you're supposed to be able to, but all the catalog end ever shows is that white page.


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


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I'm fairly certain STS isn't compatible with 2.3.1


If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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