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Partial/Incomplete Payment Page?


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Hi everyone, been pulling my hair out!

I have only a partial payment page in the admin section?

The Shipping page is fine, but only the following is coming up (there's also no writing at the bottom showing where it's seeing the payment modules);



Any recommendations?

I've swapped the servers and have updated the configure files, everything seems to be working except for this... the site was also hacked but that's been cleaned up - all good fun :(



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Probably some code has some problem.

Do you have any more payment module files in modules>> payment folder.





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Hi, yea I have the files there - it's just really odd? Because the button for the options on the right isn't there either?

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Any other file with .php as extension but not displayed in the list needs to be renamed to some other extension.


The reason is that either these additional files have some bug or they do not have an associated language file.



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