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Categories box and breadcrumb trail empty


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I have noticed recently that my categories box and breadcrumb trail is empty. A logo on the left also disappears if any page loads. If you click on a product and a new page loads the categories and breadcrumbs appears for a split second and then disappears again. Neihter me or my hosting provider have made any changes to my website. Anyone here have any fix for this?


You can view it here: www.cdx.co.za

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Just an update...

I have replaced the categories.php in boxes, replaced header.php and application_top.php with the original files and still the categories box contents become blank.



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I see both the categories/subcategories and the breadcrumb trail.


The only time I don't see the breadcrumb trail is when I click on the links in the Information box.


Check for a line like this. This example is from conditions.php.

 $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONDITIONS));

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