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STS flow-How to get output of a box in html file


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I am trying to explore STS template system. i direly feel that i need help from someone who has already been through it.

What i need to do is simple.

I just want to show a banner/box in the right column which is added from the OSC admin.


I have done the following steps:

1: added a banner from admin banner manager.

2: created a file in the includes/boxes directory under name customBanner.php

3: added this line in column_right.php include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'customBanner.php');

4: And finally added the following code to customBanner.php


if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '170x158')) {



<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td align="center"><?php echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); ?></td>







This code is basically used for OSC without STS template.


Now i need to know how STS template giving output in php.html files e.g.<td>$specialbox</td>. I mean how this variable is getting value from the sts.

and how can i show advertisement box in the right column.


Your in time help will be great for me.




Edited by qaiserrs
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