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easy way to edit an order?


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Had a customer call and cancel part of their order. I am not sure what contribution (if any I should use) would rather have an "easy" way to edit the contents /total of their order instead of deleting it entirely.

I have monthly totals/tax contribution installed and this particular order will throw off real sales by over $1200.00.


What I usually have done is delete the order then manually add a new customer with my email address but then the customer cant access their account.

any ideas???





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Had a customer call and cancel part of their order. I am not sure what contribution (if any I should use) would rather have an "easy" way to edit the contents /total of their order instead of deleting it entirely.

I have monthly totals/tax contribution installed and this particular order will throw off real sales by over $1200.00.


What I usually have done is delete the order then manually add a new customer with my email address but then the customer cant access their account.

any ideas???


Check out Order Editor 5.0.7....I have in installed on a v2.2 RC2a and it works very nicely. You can remove items, add items, change attribute values and even change shipping, all calculations for fees handled accordingly.


Takes a bit of work to install, and there are some tweaks you need to look for in the download area. Worth it...

I am not a professional webmaster or PHP coder by background or training but I will try to help as best I can.

I remember what it was like when I first started with osC. It can be overwhelming.

However, I strongly recommend considering hiring a professional for extensive site modifications, site cleaning, etc.

There are several good pros here on osCommerce. Look around, you'll figure out who they are.

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What I did in the past was add Master Password.


Cancel the customer order, log in as the customer place a new order. Note that it was created by a customer service rep in the comments section and that it is considered pre-paid.


It is likely that you may not have a no payment checkout installed like COD, or Check or Money Order. In such case I would just manually turn this on for the few seconds it took me to checkout as the customer then turn them back off once completed.


Refund the difference to the customer and process the order.


If the value of the change was greater then the amount already paid, I would then just cancel the order and ask the customer to re-order the correct item (options).

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