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UK VAT 20% errors


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Hello guys


When I changed VAT(UK tax) from 17.5% to 20% this year, it is adding on an extra £0.01 on some products BUT only on the customer display price.




in the admin area of the website where I enter a product detail, for instance I have a product with prices as below:


Taxable goods = yes


Net price = 11.6250 (automatically calculated when I enter gross price)


Gross price = 13.95


BUT what the customer sees on the customer display interface of the website is £13.96 for the product.


When the tax was at 17.5% there were no discrepancies in admin interface entered prices verses customer price viewed. Has anyone else come accross this and any idea where I can fix it.


Obviously checked the Location and taxes - tax rates module and Tax is entered at 20% (20.0000)


All other taxes for other locations are set at 0%. So there shouldn't be any conflict there.


Any ideas?

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have you set the Tax Zones, Tax Classes and Tax Rates correctly?

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on times there is some rounding effect.

So you need to check if thats resulting in this .01 value diff.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply Alex. Yes I've set the tax zones, tax classes and tax rates correctly.


That's what I meant by tax rates module - sorry should have been clearer.


It was all working fine at 17.5% and only does it on some products, I think perhaps its just a shortcoming / slight bug of the program. Just wondered if anyone had solved it!

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Hello Satish


thanks for the reply. Yes that is what it is doing, its rounding it slightly.


But I'm not sure what you mean by on times, or did you just mean some times?



If you did mean "on multiplying", where in the programming are you refering to - that it might be multiplying? and have you managed to change this?


many thanks



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General scenario that I recall is.


Just place details of product net price and gross price so as to suggest a proper solution.

You need to focus on a way out by redefining net price.


I had seen this happen as most of the shop owners fired an sql query to change net price to take care of vat being changed from 17.5 to 20 percent.




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