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Browse Button in every picture


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I need to add browse button to every picture I'm adding to my products. Now i have only one button. The code which is responsible for images should be here. I added also image to show what I want to add. Hope somebody will help.




Uploaded with ImageShack.us



function update_stock($product_id, $quantity = 0) {
$get_quantity_query = tep_db_query("select sum(options_quantity) as total_quantity from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " where products_id='" . (int)$product_id . "'");
$get_quantity = tep_db_fetch_array($get_quantity_query);
$total_quantity = $get_quantity['total_quantity'] + $quantity;
tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_quantity = '" . $total_quantity . "' where products_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "'");

function action_productPictures($request)
	global $smarty;
	$args = array();

	$args['products_id'] = $products_id = (int)$request['products_id'];
	if ($products_id == 0)


	$zmiana = false;
	if (isset($request['productPicture_file']) || (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES))
		$zmiana = true;

	// usuwanie zdjęcia
	if (isset($request['products_picture_delete']) && $request['products_picture_delete'])
		foreach($request['products_picture_delete'] as $order)
			$product_pictures = M('OsCommerceProductPicture')->find(sql(array("
						products_id = %products_id
						AND products_pictures_order = %order
					"products_id" => $products_id,
					"order" => $order
			if ($product_pictures)
				$products_pictures_image = $product_pictures[0]['products_pictures_image'];

				// usunięcie fizyczne pliku jeżeli już nie jest używany
				$otherOroductPicture = M('OsCommerceProductPicture')->findByProductsPicturesImage($products_pictures_image);
				if (empty($otherOroductPicture))
					@unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_pictures_image);

			// jeżeli pierwsze to zmodyfikować też produkt
			if (M('OsCommerceProductPicture')->getNextOrder($products_id) == 1)
				$products = M('OsCommerceProduct')->find($products_id);
				$products[0]['products_image'] = '';

	// dodawanie zdjęcia
	if (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES)

		if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['productPicture_file']['tmp_name']))
			$destination_name = strtolower(preg_replace('`[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]`', '', $_FILES['productPicture_file']['name']));
			//if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $destination_name))
			//$destination_name = substr(md5(time()), 0, 4) . ".". $destination_name;

			if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['productPicture_file']['tmp_name'], DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $destination_name))
				$product_picture = M('OsCommerceProductPicture')->create();
				$product_picture['products_id'] = $products_id;
				$product_picture['products_pictures_image'] = $destination_name;
				$product_picture['products_pictures_order'] = M('OsCommerceProductPicture')->getNextOrder($products_id);
				$product_picture['products_pictures_size'] = $_FILES['productPicture_file']['size'];

				// jeżeli pierwsze to zmodyfikować też produkt
				if ($product_picture['products_pictures_order'] == 1)
					$products = M('OsCommerceProduct')->find($products_id);
					$products[0]['products_image'] = $destination_name;

	$products = M('OsCommerceProduct')->find($products_id);
	if ($products)
		$product = $products[0];
		$product_pictures = $product->OsCommerceProductPicture;

		// poniższy warunek ma na celu tylko synchronizację tego co jest w tabelce products_pictures i products
		if ($product_pictures)
			if ($product['products_image'] != $product_pictures[0]['products_pictures_image'])
				$product['products_image'] = $product_pictures[0]['products_pictures_image'];
		elseif($product['products_image'] != '')
			$product_picture = M('OsCommerceProductPicture')->create();
			$product_picture['products_id'] = $products_id;
			$product_picture['products_pictures_image'] = $product['products_image'];
			$product_picture['products_pictures_order'] = 1;
			$product_picture['products_pictures_size'] = @filesize(DIR_FS_CATALOG.DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product['products_image']);

		$product_pictures = $product->OsCommerceProductPicture;

		if ($product_pictures)
			$args['pictures'] = $product_pictures->asArray();


	//$args['random'] = md5(time());


	if (!$zmiana)
		$smarty->display(file_name . '.' . $request['action'] . '.tpl');
		print $products_id;


function action_productFiles($request)
	global $smarty;
	$args = array();

	$args['products_id'] = $products_id = (int)$request['products_id'];
	if ($products_id == 0)



	$zmiana = false;
	if (isset($request['productFile_file']) || (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES))
		$zmiana = true;

	// dodawanie pliku
	if (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES)
		if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['productFile_file']['tmp_name']))
			$destination_name = strtolower(preg_replace('`[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]`', '', $_FILES['productFile_file']['name']));
			//if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $destination_name))
			//$destination_name = substr(md5(time()), 0, 4) . ".". $destination_name;

			if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['productFile_file']['tmp_name'], DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $destination_name))
				$product_file = M('OsCommerceProductFile')->create();
				$product_file['products_id'] = $products_id;
				$product_file['products_files_file'] = $destination_name;
				$product_file['products_files_title'] = $request['productFile_title'];
				$product_file['products_files_order'] = M('OsCommerceProductFile')->getNextOrder($products_id);
				$product_file['products_files_size'] = $_FILES['productFile_file']['size'];

	// usuwanie pliku
	if (isset($request['products_file_delete']) && $request['products_file_delete'])
		foreach($request['products_file_delete'] as $order)
			$product_files = M('OsCommerceProductFile')->find(sql(array("
						products_id = %products_id
						AND products_files_order = %order
					"products_id" => $products_id,
					"order" => $order
			if ($product_files)
				// usunięcie fizyczne pliku
				@unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_files[0]['products_files_file']);


	$products = M('OsCommerceProduct')->find($products_id);
	if ($products)
		$product = $products[0];
		$product_files = $product->OsCommerceProductFile;

		if ($product_files)
			$args['files'] = $product_files->asArray();


	if (!$zmiana)
		$smarty->display(file_name . '.' . $request['action'] . '.tpl');
		print $products_id;


$action = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']))
	$action = preg_replace('`[^a-zA-Z]`', '', $_REQUEST['action']);
	$function_name = 'action_'.$action;
	if (function_exists($function_name))
		$action = false;

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