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Swapping Zen Cart for OS


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Hello all,


I'm switching from Zen Cart to OSCommerce because I need to have QT Pro and a POS that works with the stock by attributes stock. Zen Cart has failed me.


Here's the problem though. I need to swap carts while the site is live and I need to do it quickly as my store is getting into the busy season.


Am I able to install it into a seperate folder to set it up then delete zen cart and move OS over to the main area so my site is only down for an hour tops?


Please help!


Thank you

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Am I able to install it into a seperate folder to set it up then delete zen cart and move OS over to the main area so my site is only down for an hour tops?


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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