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Block ip address


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Yes you can block ip's but it is best to limit who you do block.

You could end up blocking customers and good search engines if you don't take great care in this.

Check some of the add-ons that are made for trapping malicious ip's.

Do a little research before you start adding a contribution so that you might be able to pick the one that fits your needs.

There is also add-ons that can protect your images.

Good luck.

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The only true ways of protecting images are:


1. Removing them from the site.


2. Watermark them so they become undesirable to steal.


All other methods are defeatable.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Can I block some of the ip?

Since there are some people come to my site and steal my pic and waste the bandwidth.

Is there anyway to block their ip?


If you don't need to have your images in the SE index, then disallow via robots.txt


User-agent: Googlebot-Image

Disallow: /

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I agree watermark is the best solution.



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