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How to adjust price based on weight?


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I have been using OSC for some time now, made few modifications to the code but now I'm stuck.

All of my items are price per gram and recently those started to change daily.

Adjusting over 400 products every day would take weeks so someone told me that using a clever SQL script all products can be updated at once.


Any genus can confirm? I have been reading some stuff and I have a friend who could help but he is on holiday in canary islands and I have to result to ask publicly.


Many thanks to OSC enthusiasts for reading my questions and If you had similar case on your hands I would be honoured to receive help from people much more intelligent than me :-)


Best regards,


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I recommend you define following( assuming its soe rpecious metals used):


1. wt of material in product.


2. price per unit of the precious metal.


3. Addiitional charge.


4. Margin


5. override price : true


5. Define a Formula that is a function of 1-4 parameters.


create a script and set it on cron.








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