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Problem with content total in shopping cart box


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I added the following cod to my shopping cart box and I am having some problems.


<?php echo '<a href ="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART) . '">' . HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS .'</a><br>Items: ' . $cart->count_contents() . ' Total: ' . $currencies->format($cart->show_total());?>


Before being logged in as a customer and I add items to my cart the content total is correct. Once I log on as a customer, the content total is always 1 more than the total I have in my cart. Example: If I have 6 items, not logged in as a customer, it shows 6. Once I log in, it shows 7.


Any idea why this is happening or what I need to look at to fix this problem.


Any help would greatly be appreciated.


Thank you.

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This can happen if you have one item in your cart when logged in and then add 6 items after logging out. When you log back in the two carts are combined. Look at the shopping cart page and check the count.




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