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logo position


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Hello any experts out there -

I'm completely new to this and having a number of problems. This particular one involves the logo which I uploaded as prompted but for some reason it's positioned under the frame of the wesbite. I don't see how or where to fix that, and I'm not sure why it would be positioned there incorrectly. I thought it was user friendly...I was wrong!

Any help would be appreciated greatly. The Site is www.ouldbrogue.com/store and you'll see what I mean.




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Open the stylesheet and look for this:



#header {

height: 60px;




Change the height to suit your needs.





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Hello any experts out there -

I'm completely new to this and having a number of problems. This particular one involves the logo which I uploaded as prompted but for some reason it's positioned under the frame of the wesbite. I don't see how or where to fix that, and I'm not sure why it would be positioned there incorrectly. I thought it was user friendly...I was wrong!

Any help would be appreciated greatly. The Site is www.ouldbrogue.com/store and you'll see what I mean.





open your stylesheet and look for


#header {
 height: 60px;


change the height to suit.

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If your web hosts have a cpanel use that. If not you will have to figure out a way to upload all the files to your computer, which you should do anyway, alter the file and upload it back to your hosts. Its that easy.


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