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Stock Level and Inactive


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Hey I have a question I have scoured the site and I have read through two books and I cannot find and solution. So here is my question



I have the check stock set to True and Subtract Stock = True so when an Item goes to 0 the software makes the item inactive. Can you the system NOT make the item inactive when the stock level = 0. Any help with be welcome and I know this might seems like a weird request it make restock hard and slow as I have over 5000 small items on my page. It also allows customers to see we carry something and how much it is but it is not in stock.





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I havent tried adjusting this setting, but in your admin/stock, what happens if you set 'Allow checkout' to true.



The Problem is it will sell items I do not have and that is bad Customer Service.


What I want to know is can I sell out and NOT go inactive



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