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Validating V2.3.1


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I just validated the CSS for 2.3.1 on W3C and it threw up 135 errors, mostly relating to jquery-ui-1.8.6.css and jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css. Is there a way not to use these stylesheets in 2.3.1 or is it perhaps needed beacuse of the 960 grid? Has anyone else not used it or manged to get it to validate successfully? I've already commented some of the ui stuff for my page web design but would rather loose it altogether if possible, as I'd rather stick with a simple css stylesheet. I'm not 100% sure what the fancybox css does and t. Are these stylesheets really necesary?

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The jquery ui stylesheets are for boxes, and buttons among other..


The fancybox stylesheet is for the image pop-ups

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The jquery ui stylesheets are for boxes, and buttons among other..


The fancybox stylesheet is for the image pop-ups


Thanks toyicebear - sounds like I could remove the links to these stylesheets maybe and just use the default osc images and stylesheet...my only conern is that they may do something I don't realize and then find out something doesn't work...

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