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Change osCommerce Password


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Can anyone help me figure out how to change the admin password to my osCommerce software? I am running an old version of the software, and this link is the only thing i can find regarding password change http://www.oscommerce.info/confluence/display/OSCDOC/Administrators the only problem is that I definitely don't have this option in my configuration.php list. any thoughts?

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If you are using a pre 2.2 RC2 release then there was NO administrators table to hold your password. The password was created using .htaccess or your hosting providers file manager.







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i think that is what I have. does anyone have any documentation on how to change that.


We are our own provider.


I found a .htpasswd file in there and it has



but the password is encrypted. do i just re-encrypt a new password(not sure how to do that) then shove it in place of the old [password]?

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