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The e-commerce.

Paypals virtual terminal


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No contrib for this.


You need to use offline credit card module and collect cc details.


Then use this detail to manual process card.








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Your site must be PCI DSS compliant if you want to accept credit card details on your website and then use PayPal virtual terminal to process them.


Compliance failure could result in legal problems depending on your State regulations.







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PCI DSS Compliance laws are new to most states and provinces in North America. Just because you have done it in the past, does not make it legal. You should check with your state and federal laws regarding this.





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Does anyone know how I set this up to use virtual terminal with this cart?



See reply's from others above, you are no longer allowed to store cc info in the db unless you are fully PCI DSS compliant. (Very stringent regulations which include the physical location and security of the actual server used too..in addition to software, firewall +++ requirements)


Instead get yourself a PayPal Pro account and then use the included payment module for that to accept cc payments for your shop. (Still need to be PCI DSS compliant since cc info is transmitted through your site, but its quite easy to achieve since its a much lower level due to that you don't store the cc info in the db)


Or use PayPal standard or express. (PCI DSS complaince not needed, since your oscommerce shop do not transmit or store cc info)


Alternatively you can use a cc info collection service like www.e-path.com.au . (PCI DSS complaince not needed, since your oscommerce shop do not transmit or store cc info)

Edited by toyicebear
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There is a credit card module in oscommerce that allows customer to fill cc details that is stored in Db to be used later.





But there is no encryption so anyone who gets hold of your Data base will have a good chance to use it.


As stated by toyicebar you need to be PCI complient( needs server and your code all to have the compliance) else you might be penalized.





Suggestion : Do not capture but Authorize payment using Auth or paypal pro.


Later when required you can capture payment or void.


only prob will be you will not be able to charge a higher value then you are authorized for.



Edited by satish

Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.

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Your site must be PCI DSS compliant if you want to accept credit card details on your website and then use PayPal virtual terminal to process them.


Compliance failure could result in legal problems depending on your State regulations.









It is not only web sites that have to be compliant now Chris:


What if my business does not go through this compliance process?

If you do not comply with the security requirements of the Card Associations, your business may

be at risk of compromise. At this point not only could your business be adversely impacted by

loss of critical systems but you could be subject to fines up to $500,000 per incident, should you

be compromised.


I heard there are new standards only for e-commerce merchants, so I don't have

to comply.

All merchants are required to be compliant… Recently, Visa and MasterCard aligned their security

standards into the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard. As part of this

alignment, all merchants are “REQUIRED” to be compliant and validation is required for certain

merchants. For merchants processing fewer than 20,000 Visa or MasterCard e-commerce

transactions per year, validation is optional but “STRONGLY RECOMMENDED”. Remember, if

there is a compromise and you are not compliant, you may be assessed fines. And, as we

mentioned earlier, those fines can be as high as $500,000.00.

(from the FAQs of Trustwave)


As I mused on another post, I wonder how long it will be before you have to be compliant to process through places like PayPal?



I would advise Denise - or anyone else asking the question for that matter - to ask questions of their merchant bank or business bank, is is the banking world that have set the rules and can give you the answers.


I think you will find that the fees to be compliant are far cheaper than the amounts quoted in this forum (they may have been true a few years ago) especially if you are only within the lower compliancy ratings




My store is currently running Phoenix

I'm currently working on and hope to get it live before arrives (maybe 🙄 )

I used to have a list of add-ons here but I've found that with the ones that supporters of Phoenix get any other add-ons are not really neccessary

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