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How to secure v2.3.1


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I'm sure this question has been asked a million times, so apologies.


I tried to find the direct answer but obviously my search skills suck.


I just installed v2.3.1. Do I need to make all of the security updates I made for 2.2?


I can't find the information for 2.3.1.


I saw some funky user that looked like they signed onto my admin, also (on the dashboard, but of course I can't find it now).


Thank you and pardon my time suck in advance (didn't someone call that a help vampire or something like that?).


I haven't looked at any of this stuff in ages and when I did it was older versions. :'(

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There are currently no code edits for v2.3.1, so just add the 5 'must have' security contributions.







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There are currently no code edits for v2.3.1, so just add the 5 'must have' security contributions.








Sorry for being a bonehead again, but where are those listed/which one's are they? Are they in the 2.2 sticky thread?


I assume two of them are site monitor and the ip trap thing? You are talking about coding contributions, yes? Not all of the .htaccess changes?


Do I still need to rename admin since the file system admin is gone?


I'm very embarrassed to keep nagging everyone, and being so uninformed, but I really do need the information.


Thank you very much in advance.

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Yes, the same ones as 2.2, but the 2.3.1 versions of them. Don't be embarrassed to ask questions, the only dumb question is one that is never asked.






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FWR in a security post in September 2010 said about security, "Secure any writeable directories with a .htaccess file to turn off the php engine and block the running of potentially dangerous scripts."


I have installed OsCommerce 2.3.1 as a clean install.


I have performed all the security issues, i.e. renamed my admin directory, password protected it, secured the recommended directory permissions, have .htaccess in the directories, etc.


I have installed FWR Security Pro and FWR KISS_Filesafe.



My question is: My host company does not allow "php_flag engine off" in it's .htaccess files. So I must turn the engine off in php.ini.


Must I place a copy of the php.ini file which has the php engine turned off in ALL writable directories, including public_html/, images/, pub/, admin/backups, etc, all the directories that the admin panel suggests I keep as writable?


Sorry if this has been answered in another forum.


Thanks for your help.

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Yes, the same ones as 2.2, but the 2.3.1 versions of them. Don't be embarrassed to ask questions, the only dumb question is one that is never asked.







Thanks a bunch!

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