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The e-commerce.

osc 2.3.1 admin compatible with ie6

osCommerce China

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1. admin right part flat issue.


edit admin/includes/stylesheet.css


add #contentText table{ float:left}


2. admin can not login "Internet explorer can not open internet Web http://xxxx/adm...

Operation has been terminated"

edit the admin/includes/template_top.php



<!--[if ie]><script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo tep_catalog_href_link('ext/flot/excanvas.min.js'); ?>"></script><![endif]-->


<!--[if gt IE 6]><script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo tep_catalog_href_link('ext/flot/excanvas.min.js'); ?>"></script><![endif]-->


then will a js erro but can login to admin.

Go to the left menu Modules / Dashboard remove the Total Revenue Chart and Total Customers Chart



Fix by osCommerce.com.cn maybe will help for you.



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I suggest it is easier and more practical to have the clients update to IE 8, which is also compatible with Windows XP than it is to update every osCommerce site on the internet.







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