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Hello everybody, I'm trying to add the dynamic banners (the one i can control through the administration) to the Panel Top Box the template i used came with the panel_bottom banner and it works fine. however, if i put the same code or any content on the Panel_top Box nothing appears, any help?? Panel Top box is empty except for the comments

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Templates can be coded in numerous ways so it is too difficult to guess what your code may look like.


Perhaps if you paste the code you edited we can offer more assistance.





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Thanks for the reply, i actually gave up and put the banner code on the header, which i got it on the place i wanted anyway.

The "panel_top.php" is empty and I pasted the standard "banner code"


I did have some issues guessing where to paste in the header.php, in some places, tables, it never appeared, in others, it did. THat sFix now though but just in case, here is the code I used

if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '468x50')) {
<tr align="center"><td align="center">
<?php echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); ?>

</td></tr> <?php } ?>

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