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Can't go to admin area


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I'm having serious problems with my site. Everytime I use my admin area to personalize my buisness, the next day I can't access it any more.


The first time, I changed all company's options (adress, etc etc). The next day the admin area won't open


I uninstalled and re-instaled all the site. I changed the countries and currencies, and the next day the admin area woudn't open.


The tird time I installed the site and changed only the currency and added one country. I also linked the site to a new database. The next day everything was working, so I deleted the default products and added one product and some extra categories. Today, I couldn't open the admin area...


A message apears saying it can't open the site, and that it must be a programming problem.


Mi working site is http://www.dolce-divano.com/test/, with the unworking admin at http://www.dolce-divano.com/test/admin/


What can I do? I saved every file when the site was still working, but I may upload them as many times I want, the site won't work.


Please help me with this. I really need to solve this problem, because anytime I make a change I need to add everything again. I never touched the code, I don't know where the problem is caming from


Thank you very much


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I tried to install the OsCommerce in a new site and replace the old "admin" folder with a copy of the new "admin" folder. Now the error is "You don't have permission to access /test/admin/ on this server"

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I tried two more things:


- Copying all the admin folder of a newly installed OsCommerce site to the old site: now when I go to test/admin (old store), it opens the catalog/admin (new store). I can't still change the old store.


- Deleting the new database tables and uploading the backup of the old database. Now the page won't open and a error apears (http://www.dolce-divano.com/catalog/admin)


Please give me some lights. I need to start working in my store, but everytime I login to my admin area and custumize my folders, language and payment styles, the next day the admin area won't login


Thank you all

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