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paypal IPN 500 error all the sudden?


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My site worked fine until today - several orders today didn't get through after the payment is completed at paypal. IPN history shows "Retrying" because of 500 error and my server access log shows "POST /ipn.php HTTP/1.0" 500 - "-" "-"


I didn't changed anything before it happened. And when I made 2 test orders, they went through fine and IPN was successfully. Yet, another order came in as "pending" and paypal IPN failed.


Any explaination about this? I don't remember which version of mod this is since it was loooong ago... on the top of ipn.php file it says:


ipn.php,v 2.8 2004/09/11 devosc Exp


Please help! This is very annoying problem as I need to go in adjust inventory in case low-stock items got oversold.


Many thanks!

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paypal IPN failed:


1. Check whether IPN was recd or not.


If recd then you need to debug why it failed( considered as invalid).


2. If IPN didnt reached then you need to look into paypal profile.












































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