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Learning PHP


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Some years ago I bought a book* on PHP & MySQL with the intention of teaching myself at least the basics. At the time it proved daunting and I gave up. I have never coded before or since. Plus, I had no immediate need to build or maintain a database driven site so there wasn't much to practice on or motivate me.


Now that I am using OsCommerce there's a need, and already built pages to work on. I'd like to eventually be able to modify my site, at least a little.


What beginner's tutorial(s) and/or book(s) would you recommend for a strictly GUI/WYSIWYG guy in his late 50's? (we greybeards have a harder time learning new stuff, you know.)


The Webmonkey tutorial on the Wired site looks good, and I see that MAMP looks promising as a local testing server on my Mac. Hope I don't have to go into the *nix command line to install PHP & MySQL. That was a big stumbling block the first time around.



*"Build Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP and MySQL" by Kevin Yank, 2001.

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