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tag <title> dinamic


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You can edit the language definition for that page in the /includes/langauges/english/advanced_search.php file


define('NAVBAR_TITLE_1', 'Advanced Search');

define('NAVBAR_TITLE_2', 'Search Results');


define('HEADING_TITLE_1', 'Advanced Search');

define('HEADING_TITLE_2', 'Products meeting the search criteria');




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Thanks to Chris of the answer, but maybe I could not explain well.


I would like to change the tag <title> </ title> dynamically, giving it a variable that should be found from the database, or "products_name" and "products_description" as having the tag in the form *PRODUCTS* *LINE*.


I can not proceed on this page to get the result I want.

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Thanks to Chris of the answer, but maybe I could not explain well.


I would like to change the tag <title> </ title> dynamically, giving it a variable that should be found from the database, or "products_name" and "products_description" as having the tag in the form *PRODUCTS* *LINE*.


I can not proceed on this page to get the result I want.


You will have to construct a query before the <title> tag and then have something like <title><?php echo $keywords; ?></title>

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I still ask excuse, the speech of the query is clear but how do I enter the tag <title>

advanced_search_result if the page does not say the tag <title>?


Which version of oscommerce are you using? If it is V2.3x then you will have to write a module for this.

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