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The e-commerce.

Information Only Site


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I would welcome your valued opinion on using osCommerce for an information only site. I am being requested to build a site for a friend that at this moment is information only, but could do with some smart tricks of the trade slide shows etc etc., but in my opinion in the future the site may/should need the use of a shopping cart, the products would not be tangable products but they would actually be advertising spaces, you know £xxx for a quarter page, £yyyy for a full page, £zzzzzz for inside front cover etc etc and there may well be a discount if payment paid with order, otherwise payment could be by invoice and would welcome an automated invoicing service. I am thinking to build the site in osCommerce would make more sense and 'hide' products and then the site would be readily available for online ordering by just adding the shopping basket at the appropriate time. Does this make sound sense and is the end requirements able to be created in osCommerce?


My coding knowledge is very small but great at following 'idiot' instructions.


The more opinions and input the better so please feel free to jump onboard and reply with your views comments criticsms - infact whatever!


Thanks in advance for any and all input.



A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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You can definitely use osCommerce as a catalog only site, OR to purchase advertising space as you suggested. It would take a little reconfiguring but it is definitely possible.







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Hi Chris


What sort of reconfiguring do you think I would need to do? Thanks for the input.



A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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As a catalog only site, you would need to remove the shopping cart and checkout features.


As a pay for advertising site, you would need to add a scheduling calendar, customize the attributes to show available layouts, add QTPro to better track available advertising space, Option types 2 to allow the client to upload graphics or text for the ad and then of course the checkout process to allow for a detailed email confirming the space has been booked.






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Hi Chris


Thanks for the response some of it I understand and other parts I do not understand!!


Is there a way to hide the shopping cart until needed? What is QTPro? What is Options Type 2? How does one add a scheduling calendar? Are any or all of these available as contributions?


Sorry so many questions butit is the only way to learn.



A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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