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MYSQL Query Limit Reached shutting down my site.


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I have Ipage and I am now regularly getting this error while working on my site and I'm guessing with my limited number of visits this is going to get completely and totally out of control with a live site and actual customers.


Any thoughts?


1226 - User 'wildvettes' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 75000)


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration





Should I switch hosts? Is it my website causing the problem? What steps should I take to switch hosts? What hosts does everyone use?

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Ok, so I'm hoping I figured it out.


When I installed Mindsparx admin panel I must have just copied over because it deleted some of my addon files.


Long story short the Auto-Backup setup file was deleted, but the actual process itself and the code changes were still active. Basically it appears as though it was backing up my entire database constantly creating hundreds and hundreds of database backups.


Hopefully the problem will be rectified now.



*correction thousands and thousands*

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Would like to know what steps you took to eliminate the issue. Because I get the same error and iPage told me after I exceed the limit, I have to wait one hour before I am able to access my site again. It is a very big pain in the ---! So if there is a fix, I would appreciate hearing about it, so that I will have not to look for another host.



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Would like to know what steps you took to eliminate the issue. Because I get the same error and iPage told me after I exceed the limit, I have to wait one hour before I am able to access my site again. It is a very big pain in the ---! So if there is a fix, I would appreciate hearing about it, so that I will have not to look for another host.





My auto_backup_setup.php file was missing from my /admin/.


This allowed my auto_backup_db.php in my /admin/includes to run non-stop which was causing the query problems.


If you have this add-on I would check it is functioning properly first, if not you have something on your site caught in a check sql loop. I doubt your site could be busy enough to have thousands of customers an hour, but that is also a possibility.

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Is it possible this could be caused by a search engine, hacker, etc...?


Otherwise I can't possible understand how I could be hitting 75,000 an hour. Unless something is going on with my host. I have all of the recommended security enhancements installed...is it possible the site has been hacked?


Nothing seems to be weird other than this message.

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