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The e-commerce.

server config error - base href wrong - links not working properly


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I have a working (and highly customised) osCommerce 2.2-MS2


the pages in my_active_site.com are all static html pages that are now being migrated into a content management system.

the site root would be something like this /var/www/active

so i created another directory outside that root:


and created a subdomain

test.my_active_site.com to get to the root of the new cms.


gets me to the oscommerce install which is a straight copy of the working shop, accessing the same database.

the only difference is ine the two configure.php files.

but, all created product and category links in the test environment still point back at my_active_site.com/catalog. the created base href is my_active_site.com/catalog but the configure files are correctly set. when i manually set the base href to test.my_active_site.com/catalog the categories still link to my_active_site.com/catalog but at least now the individual product links are pointing to test.my_active_site.com/catalog.


i took all files home and copied the same setup to my test web server (only modified the configure.phps) and it all works fine. so i conclude it must be a server setting. i compared the phpinfo() on both my home webserver and the remote one and they appear to be identical.


any ideas?


cheers, mario

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