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Sending the ACTUAL "Credit Card Owner" name to Aut


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I have ONE LAST ISSUE to fix on the a site I'm building before it?s done. I?ve been trying to fix this for a few days on my own, but this one last detail is beyond my PHP abilities right now. I'm stuck and I hope someone can take a quick look and offer a solution.


The problem:

The authorize.net module asks for the ?Credit Card Owner? on the checkout page along with the card number and expiry date, but it turns out that the data entered in this field doesn?t actually get sent. Instead, the first and last name entered for the customer when they created their OSC account is sent. The problem is that some customers are using a card with a different name on it than what they used when creating their account. I discovered this when a customer?s card was consistently declined because her account name was ?Connie?, but her credit card had her formal name ?Constance? printed on it. Authorizenet declined her orders because of the name mismatch. When we discovered this, I asked her to change the name entered in the ?Credit Card Owner? field to ?Constance?, but when I checked the declined order status page on Authorizenet, it showed that OSC still sent ?Connie? as the name.


My idea is this:

Since there are already 2 fields on this page that collect CC# and date, why couldn?t I replace the ?Credit Card Owner? field with new ?First? and ?Last? name fields that are sent instead of the stored account info? I think the 2 files involved are:




Here?s the relevant settings (I think?) from authorizenet_direct.php:

x_Card_Num => "$x_Card_Num",

x_Exp_Date => "$x_Exp_Date",

x_First_Name => "{$order->customer['firstname']}",

x_Last_Name => "{$order->customer['lastname']}",


Even thought I don?t know much PHP, I can clearly see that it creates a new variable for the card number and date, but pulls the first and last name from the mySQL database. The code in authorizenet.php is entirely confusing to me, so I haven?t got a clue how I might edit what?s there to create and save the data in new first/last name fields.


In an attempt to override the data from the account registration process, I already commented out the code that pre-populated the text box on the checkout page with the first and last name. Obviously, this didn?t affect the data that was actually SENT.


Since this flaw is causing a number of unnecessary credit card declines (and lost sales), I desperately need a fix ASAP.


If it makes a difference, I'm using the November Authorizenet ADC Direct Connection contribution.


The site in question is at http://www.my-big-toe.com


Can you help?


Harold Corbin

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