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Using osC for affiiliate websites


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Hello Everyone,


I'm new to OSC and have only dabbled in PHP. I have looked through the general forum but did find what i was looking for.


We are wanting to use osc to start an affiliate program with our dealers. We would like our dealers to sign up and become a reseller of our products online, while keeping it to a single install of OSC on our servers.


In ColdFusion (I'm a allaire/macromedia/adobe dinosaur >_< ) I would create a new table for affiliates in my database, assign them a ID upon signing up. Then use a simple href or submit button on their site to send them to our online store with a dealer_id on the url string or as a hidden input.


Upon reaching our store I would check for a dealer_id and load the proper items based on the ID. We would like to dynamically change the stores general appearance, name, and logo to match the dealers information. This way the invoice/order will reflect the dealer name and we can pay the proper affiliate when a sale is made.


I'm sure this has been done, and is somewhere as a tutorial. Could someone point me in the right direction?





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Hello Everyone,


I'm new to OSC and have only dabbled in PHP. I have looked through the general forum but did find what i was looking for.


We are wanting to use osc to start an affiliate program with our dealers. We would like our dealers to sign up and become a reseller of our products online, while keeping it to a single install of OSC on our servers.


In ColdFusion (I'm a allaire/macromedia/adobe dinosaur >_< ) I would create a new table for affiliates in my database, assign them a ID upon signing up. Then use a simple href or submit button on their site to send them to our online store with a dealer_id on the url string or as a hidden input.


Upon reaching our store I would check for a dealer_id and load the proper items based on the ID. We would like to dynamically change the stores general appearance, name, and logo to match the dealers information. This way the invoice/order will reflect the dealer name and we can pay the proper affiliate when a sale is made.


I'm sure this has been done, and is somewhere as a tutorial. Could someone point me in the right direction?






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