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PHP Editing Softwares


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Hi to All,


Is there any software to edit Php file easily like HTML Files. Because in dream viewer we can only view codes not full templates. As we Can view HTML templates in dream viewer and editing becomes so easy now please tell any software in which in can view PHP files and edit them easily.



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Hi to All,


Is there any software to edit Php file easily like HTML Files. Because in dream viewer we can only view codes not full templates. As we Can view HTML templates in dream viewer and editing becomes so easy now please tell any software in which in can view PHP files and edit them easily.



This is what I use;

Crimson Editor

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This is what I use;

Crimson Editor


try better Notepad++

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Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

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I use commercial software PhpEd.


If I was not using this I would most certainly use NetBeans


These are IDE's ( Integrated Development Environment ) not just editors.


As mentioned previously notepad++ must get a mention as it is also very capable.

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All these softwares shows only php code for editing but i want the editor which shows complete template designs. When i change the design by drag or drop etc like in html, code should be modified automatically,



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All these softwares shows only php code for editing but i want the editor which shows complete template designs. When i change the design by drag or drop etc like in html, code should be modified automatically,



What you want does not exist.




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