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[HELP] Hide price for guest until logged in.


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I have been quite lately lol hope everyone is well :D


I am setting up a wholesale store and I'd like to know how hard to upgrade from V2.3.1 to V3? I thought they are very different and in terms of upgrade in future may be a nightmere :P


Ok, lets back on my original question, is there a contribution for v2.3.1 to hide prices until customer logged in?


Finally, I've been searching the site but seems those functions I require that has not been published yet! If i am wrong, please direct me to related links?

1. GBP and EURO prices but not converted by currency rate. I need to set fixed price in different currencies.

2. Simple postage modual. As its wholesale, FOR UK orders over 200GBP is free delivery, under is 10GBP. FOR EUROPE Ordesrs over 250EURO is free and under is 20EURO. How can I make this kind setup to work?


Oh...one final thing :P can anyone give me a live v2.3.1 shop to look around? PM me with the link please.


Thanks in advance.


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Hide price for guest until logged in.

a few modules are available.


1. GBP and EURO prices but not converted by currency rate. I need to set fixed price in different currencies.

can be done by modifying the oscommerce code, can be set 2 different prices for the same product.


Simple postage modual. As its wholesale, FOR UK orders over 200GBP is free delivery, under is 10GBP. FOR EUROPE Ordesrs over 250EURO is free and under is 20EURO. How can I make this kind setup to work?

again the modules are available need to set correctly the zones and the currencies.

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.

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a few modules are available.



can be done by modifying the oscommerce code, can be set 2 different prices for the same product.



again the modules are available need to set correctly the zones and the currencies.


Hi Alex


Thanks for your reply. THose contributions are available on v2.2, I can hardly find any for v2.3.1 tho.


Unless I am wrong?



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