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The e-commerce.

Oh Dear!! Will it work?


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Right - I got to the stage were all my mods are implented and the 'behind the scenes' is completed - so can you report back to me - if it works?? :?


I know the design is rubbish and the layout is complicated - but I plan to change this after I have made sure everythinfg works:


(Also the thema box on the main site is for test purposes only)


And main items to test are: GV, Coupons, Attributes, Customer Account.


Ok -

To test all of the shop:

Catalog -

(Create New Accounts...)


Admin -

(User:admin - Pass:default)


To test if SSL works:

Catalog -

(Create New Accounts...)


Admin -

(User:admin - Pass:default)



Stuff I already Know:

I know that my order totals arn't working...

I also know that product_new.php isn't working...


Thanks, Warren


PS Please dont delete all of my admin settings - (I have a backup anyway)

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Takes forever to load. The top tabs loaded pretty quickly but after waiting more than a minute for the rest of it to load, I gave up.


I am using 1.5 MB ADSL so there is quite a bit of bandwidth on my end.

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Yes I know - The speed is slow because it is hosted on y own pc at the min - And I have got 100million things downloading at teh same time!!


Thanks for the reply anyway...


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