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Creating "View Similar Products" Link


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I would like to use the breadcrumb code (includes/classes/breabcrumb.php) to create a link on the product page to advance the visitor up one category level. I know that this link already exists in the breadcrumb itself. However, I think that the breabcrumb is often overlooked by most visitors as a means to view similar products in the same category.




When a visitor enters the site on a product page, I want the visitors to quickly know that if product he/she is viewing is not what the visitor wants, there are other similar products in the same category (or subcategory) that just might be what he/she is searching for. By clicking on this "View Similar Products" link, the visitor would be taken one level up to the category (or subcategory) page.


How do I modify the breadcrumb code to generate a link that is always one level up?


I don't really know php. So, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  class breadcrumb {
   var $_trail;

   function breadcrumb() {

   function reset() {
     $this->_trail = array();

   function add($title, $link = '') {
     $this->_trail[] = array('title' => $title, 'link' => $link);

   function trail($separator = ' - ') {
     $trail_string = '';

     for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($this->_trail); $i<$n; $i++) {
       if (isset($this->_trail[$i]['link']) && tep_not_null($this->_trail[$i]['link'])) {
         $trail_string .= '<a href="' . $this->_trail[$i]['link'] . '" class="breadcrumb">' . $this->_trail[$i]['title'] . '</a>';
       } else {
         $trail_string .= $this->_trail[$i]['title'];

       if (($i+1) < $n) $trail_string .= $separator;

     return $trail_string;

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I was able to find a contribution that used the breadcrumb code to display the category name (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1954). I simply modified that contribution's code to produce the URL for the category of the product being viewed.


I now have a link that is one level up to the cateogry page. The link is displayed directly above the product image on the product page. So now if s visitor enters the site on a product page, and that particular product is not exactly what he/she wants, hopefully, he/she will stay on the site by clicking the "View Similar Items" link.

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