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The e-commerce.

Enable SEO URL's


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I am new to oscommerce so apologies if I sound thick. I have it installed and when I try to Enable SEO Url's I am getting an error. I am using the default data which comes with it so when I click http://www.DOMAINNAM...s-life-p-8.html I am getting



404 - File or directory not found.

The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.



Do I need to activate anything else or put any code anywhere for this part of oscommerce to work?



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If you have been working on the site products or categories while SEO URLs has been enabled, you may need to clear the cache to allow it to display properly. Further, check the .htaccess file to ensure you have added the code for SEO URLs properly.





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Finally got the link to show but is there away to have this on a windows IIS server as it cannot use .htaccess as windows uses this.


Server is windows 2008, iis7, mysql5, and php5



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Finally got the link to show but is there away to have this on a windows IIS server as it cannot use .htaccess as windows uses this.


Server is windows 2008, iis7, mysql5, and php5




There is also Helicon Ape on the Server if this helps.

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