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The e-commerce.

Transferring osCommerce onto new hosting server


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I have been asked by a friend to reinstall their osComeerce v2.2 onto a new hosting server.


Whilst I have got the catalog 'front end' working I am unable to login to the Administrator, all I get is 'Unable to connect to the database server!


Is anyone able to point me in the right direction, no doubt I have done something wrong somewhere.


I initially loaded a default copy of osCommerce, created an sql database. Deleted the products, categories, images from the fresh install.

Then copied over the original backup copy of the oscommerce files and finally 'restored' the .sql file into the sql database I created.


Hence I can now view the front end but cannot gain access into the Admininstrator tool.


Any help / assistance would be really appreciated.


Thank You.


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Sounds like you haven't changed the DB credentials in /admin/includes/configure.php


Also be aware of this:


In the includes FOLDER (catalog and admin) where the normal configure.php files are there is a FOLDER named local


On some installs there may be a configure.php inside the local FOLDER (catalog and admin)


If there is, anything in it overrides anything in the normal configure.php files.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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