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Strange problem: I have a working store on my site. In order to do some development work, I placed a copy of it into a new directory on the same site, and created a copy of the database (with a new name) as well.

I edited all the config files to make sure the new store pulls from the new database, and all seems to display properly (products show and all that). The weird thing is that if I try to edit a shipping or payment module in the admin of the new store, I get this error:


Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in modules.php on line 81, where it's looking for:


while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS['configuration']))


Modules.php works fine in the original store, but $HTTP_POST_VARS seems to be empty in the copy store. Makes no sense to me!


Any ideas?



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