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Weird Results after data import using Easy Populate

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Ok so Easy populate is an awesome contribution. I have an inventory of 10000 products (grocery items) and the install and upload goes great long as you follow the instructions... First i loaded my entire product line then checked my results and everything loaded up correctly but somehow someway which i cant pinpoint all my content moves to the right of my entire page, the content then spans from top to bottom and there is a horizontal scroll bar. Not good... Im no programmer and really just know html. Oscommerce is installed on a professionaly created Theme layout which satisfies my needs to a t... But i can not figure out why after i use easy populate to upload my inventory in bulk that it shifts all my content to the side.. Any help, i've searched the first 40 pages so far and havnt seen anyone with this problem.


Settings & Info


EP vers: 2.76i-MS2

osCommerce 2.2-MS2

OS: Linux

HTTP: Apache

DB: MySQL 5.0.91-log

PHP: 4.4.9 (Zend: 1.3.0)


Temp Directory:


Temp Dir is Writable

Magic Quotes is: off

register_globals is: on

Split files on: 300 records

Model Num Size: 12

Price with tax: false

Calc Precision: 2

Replace quotes: false

Field seperator: comma

Excel safe output: true

Preserve tab/cr/lf: false

Category depth: 7

Enable attributes: true

SEF Froogle URLS: false


Other Support:

MVS Support: false

Additional Images: false

More Pics: false

UltraPics Pics: false

HTC: false

SPPC: false

Extra Fields: false

PDF Upload: false

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Have you tried to upload thee same data manualy to see if it is an EP problem or a layout problem?



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Have you tried to upload thee same data manualy to see if it is an EP problem or a layout problem?




Geoffrey, i thought of doing that but hadnt so i did and your right. It isnt an EP issue it is something with my layout. I uploaded a product manually and it did the same thing so.... Im still lost on where to look, i checked my site source code and right after




there is no <table> rather a <td blahahah> not sure if this is the case but im gonna add a <table> element right before and hope that does something, if you would like to take a look it be really appreciated as ive spent 4 days trying to figure this lame thing out. http://www.omahafastfoods.com/catalog

Edited by breakbred101
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